Friday, February 26, 2010

Singularity of Special Relativity

In Einstein's Special Relativity, he stated that nothing can travel at or over the speed of light. According to his theory, all physics laws break down when something travels as fast as light or faster than it. In this post, I will explain why this happens.

It all happens in a factor called the Lorentz factor γ, that is:
Like I said before, if we sub v=c into the γ, we get a division by zero error. Just like Time Dilation, if we sub v=c into that formula, time expands unlimitedly. If we sub v=c into the formulae of Special Relativity, we get unreasonable values. For example, Length Contraction, Relativistic Momentum, Relativistic Kinetic Energy, Relativistic Doppler Effect, etc. Here are the Calculation steps.

Length Contraction:

According to Einstein's theory, if something travels at the speed of light, to an observer on that thing, length of everything shall reduce to 0. 

Relativistic Momentum:

According to Einstein's theory, if something travels at the speed of light, it carries unlimited amount of momentum.

Relativistic Kinetic Energy:

According to Einstein's theory, if something travels at the speed of light, it carries unlimited amount of kinetic energy.

In these conditions, normal physics laws break down. No one knows what happens when something travels at the speed of light. It is a singularity of Special Relativity. Therefore, Einstein stated that nothing can travel faster than light.

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