Monday, February 22, 2010

Einstein's Time Dilation (Part I)

In 1905, Einstein published the special relativity. This theory of relativity challenged the Newtonian view and has affected the way people look at the world. The theory states the most physics laws cannot be used in an object approaching the speed of light. The theory stated some intriguing phenomenon, like Time Dilation, Length Contraction, Mass-Energy Relation, etc. The most intriguing phenomenon of all is the phenomenon of time dilation.

Now, to have a basic concept of Time Dilation, I have made it into a story.

Once upon a time, there were a pair of twins at the same age. One was called Obama, and the other was called McCain. Obama was an astronaut and McCain was a scientist. One day, Obama went on a trip to Mars. He traveled on a space ship travelling at 80% the speed of light. 5 years later, he returned. However, when he came back, he found that McCain was a lot older than he was. How did that happen?!

In this case, Time Dilation occurred.

Long ago, Newton stated that time is like a straight line, separated from space.
If so, c=constant ?! Impossible!!!

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